There is a lot of unemployment in Nigeria, not necessarily because there are no jobs. The actual cause of unemployment in Nigeria is that there are no skills. Please fact-check me. There are over half a million vacancies in Nigeria in the oil sector and the construction industry in plumbing, carpentry, drywalling, welding, roofing and masonry, etc. But Nigerians do not like to study those skills. As a result, Nigeria imports thousands of Filipinos, Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Beninoise, Togolese, Ghanaians, and other foreigners to do these jobs we refuse to do.

Instead, Nigeria graduates hundreds of thousands of university degree holders in sociology, philosophy, linguistics, political science, library science, religious studies and anthropology. Then these graduates will complain that there are no jobs in Nigeria due to bad governance. False. There are no jobs suited for those dead courses. But there are jobs in Nigeria.

Please fact-check me: When Dangote needed technicians for his refinery, he could not find up to one thousand qualified Nigerians. He had to import eleven thousand technicians from India, or that refinery would not have been completed on schedule. These Indians are earning a minimum of the equivalent of $750 a month in Naira.

Sadly, Nigerians are looking for employers to pay them to do what they want to do, rather than what the employers needs.

Nigerians erroneously think all degrees are equal. No. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics degrees are superior to all others. Followed by Business, Economics, Law, Education and Accounting, the rest are low-priority courses. Abroad, they are called vanity courses and many universities are shutting them down as a drain on the economy.

It is a bitter fact, I know, but it is true. In terms of value, a non-graduate who studied the skills of Nursing, Cloud Computing, Web Design, Ethical Hacking, Blockchain, laboratory technology, etc, is more valuable to the economy than a graduate who read sociology or philosophy. Keep deceiving yourself with, ‘I am a degree holder!’ Degree isonu!

Source: Reno Omokri

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